How To Not Be Hungry

Hungry woman with eyes closed, inhaling the smell of a slice of pizza she is holding

Sometimes, even with the best plans, diets and strategies, we can still feel hungry. 

If you’re trying to lose weight to get healthier, what can you do to avoid the worst of the hunger pangs?

How to hack your hunger - some tips:

Eat more protein portions 🍗

Less rice, noodles and potatoes. Eat more eggs, tofu, beans, lentils or meat in your meals.

Drink more water 💧

Starting from when you wake up. Also hydrate before every meal, as it can help you feel fuller.

Get enough sleep 💤 

Hunger is very often a response to tiredness. Sleep well, and hunger pangs will reduce in frequency.

Reduce your stress 💆🏻

Hormones released during stress can lead to increased appetite especially for high-fat, sugary comfort foods. Find healthier ways to handle stress, like exercise, prayer, meditation, counselling, fellowship with friends.

Despite your best efforts however, you STILL get hungry between meals. 

Why not try these snacks to keep going? 

  • A glass of water - sometimes your mind mistakes thirst for hunger.

  • An apple or banana - high-fibre fruits can fill that gap much better than sugary snacks will. 

  • A salad bowl with vegetables, beans or even some lean meat.

  • Or just satisfy the taste cravings, without eating a lot. Let’s say you’re craving chocolate - just take 1 or 2 squares to enjoy the taste, and then put the rest of the chocolate bar back in the fridge!


‘I Can’t Take It’


‘Just Eat Less lah, You’ll Lose Weight one’